Sunday, July 15, 2012


8 Things to remember to be successful student in the US University

You are all set to leave India & pursue your higher education in the US. All bags are packed and you are ready to go. Your mind is cluttered with all sorts of questions about the journey you are going to embark. How are you going to manage it all alone? Is the education system similar to that of India’? and so on. There is no cookie cutter formula to be a successful student in the US, but we have 8 suggestions which if followed, we feel, will make your experience a more memorable one, if not easier. We will break this blog into 2 parts & below are 4 of those suggestions
Cleanse your mind … at the airport terminal:
There is a reason why America is known as the land of opportunities- It is because people over there follow their passion. And you are about to become one of them … you have burnt the midnight oil to get where you are right now & there are a million students who would love to have your visa stamped passport. So take a deep breath & feel good about what you have achieved so far … you are about to begin a very exciting adventure … So before you board your flight, our sincere advice to you is to dump all the useless gyaan (you know what I’m talking about;) ) about life in the US, which you got from your friends & relatives who have never been to the US & have heard it from their friends & relatives who also have never been to the US, in the garbage can at the airport terminal.
Do not have any pre-conceived notions about what life in the US is … go with an empty mind which is ready to absorb & learn … remember, studies will just be a small subset of your education. Follow your passion & success will follow (all right .. I did take that last line from 3 Idiots)
Learn to listen to others:
To survive in the cut throat competitive Indian education system, it is natural to adopt an attitude where a student is always voicing his/her opinions, so that he/she may stand out among others. In order to be successful, one of the first things you will have to do is let go of that habit & start practicing the art of listening. For those of you, who already do that, further hone that skill. You will be amazed by the quantity of information you can assimilate, just by being an attentive listener. It is always beneficial to learn new views and perspectives, especially in a new country and this will surely help you in the long run.

STOP cramming & START understanding:

Partly due to the nature of India’s educational system, more importance is given to the quantity of information one can regurgitate on the answer sheet than on the knowledge which a student possess. In the US, things are the opposite. Thorough understanding of a concept is far more important than just knowing it. More stress is given on the Why and How rather than on the What. To every Why there is a Why Not? So when you make your course selection, choose the subjects which genuinely interest you otherwise, you will end up not far from what you were as a student in India.
No Cheating:
Once you leave the motherland for US, please relinquish your habits of cheating & copying from others. If you have spent your engineering years copying journals from your seniors and keeping chits in your socks during exams, dump this habit with the useless gyaan which I described above. There is zero tolerance for plagiarism & if proven guilty, not only do you get immediately suspended but that blot stays with you for rest of your life (YES … I mean it trickles into your professional life also)

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